The Architecture Week Prize 2024

The Architecture Week Prize 2024

One of the awards to be presented is our own Architecture Week Prize, which recognizes the best new architectural projects realized in recent years on historical buildings or areas of the city, projects that require a high technical and design knowledge in order to respect the historical identity and purpose of the sites and bring them into the future as beautiful, functional spaces.

The Committee of the Prize

Czech Architecture Week had the honor of appointing a Jury for the Architecture Week Prize based on the architectural expertise of our close collaborators and the theme of the celebration of Czech-Austrian Cultural Relations – Dialog, Tradition, Innovation. The goal of the Jury is to study the nominated architectural projects shortlisted by the districts of the City of Prague and Architecture Week, projects focused on renovation, preservation and re-purposing of historical buildings or urban spaces in Prague and select a winning entry to receive the Prize from the hand of Arch. Thomas Vonier in the award ceremony at the Czech National Bank on October 7th, 2024.