Publication “Dialogue: New in Old, Old in New”

A special publication will be launched to complement the Opera Pragensia awards. This accompanying book will serve as a guide featuring projects of architectural repurposing and restoration of Prague’s monuments, interventions in historic buildings, high-quality reconstructions, and successful examples of monuments renovation.

The projects presented in the publication illustrate how historical integrity can be successfully combined with modern methods of reconstruction and restoration, adapting historical objects to the needs of contemporary life. Examples include the conversion of old industrial areas into cultural and community centers, revitalization of historic city centers, and restoration of vanished gardens and parks. Each project demonstrates how the “new” can enrich the “old” and vice versa, making this publication not only documentation on the awards, but also an inspiration for architects, urban planners, heritage professionals, and the general public.

The publication is redacted in Czech and English.


Launch date: Monday, October 7, 2024, at 19:00 as part of the Opera Pragensia awards ceremony.
Venue: Czech National Bank, Na Příkopě 28, Staré Město (Old Town), Prague 1, 110 00
Publisher: Czech Architecture Week Publishing Expert.
Collaboration: Department of Heritage Conservation of the City of Prague and the Prague municipal districts.


Presented by Ing. Petr Ivanov, organizer, and member of the preparatory committee.